Monday, March 7, 2011

well.. what's the purpose of having our own blog actually..
i asked this question myself for too many times already...
was it for personal satisfaction..but how is it happening when complete strangers reading details about your life, where you agonizing every little things that happen..
or people who write in blogs just wanting to show off some extra talent that they discovered suddenly in life, internet, health, love or etc etc..or and or.. the list is long..
what ever the purpose is, it always depend on the perception..
and sometimes, being human, i actually worry to hell what others think about me..good or bad, i just want to know..
few years ago, i created a blog to help myself, to heal and mend my broken make me realise that what ever happen to us, will always happen for a reason...
sometimes what we want the most is no good for us, and sometimes what we hate so much is the best thing for us.. it's a promise from Allah swt...
and after operating the blog for some time.. i finally find myself evenly not completed healed yet but i'm at my best health..
then, i have to let it go.. bye bye blog..bye bye cashmere, thank you for being there..thank you for mending me..
and now i'm grateful for what i had in life, even it's not perfect but who's perfect, right..
you have to make do with what you had, with what god give to you..
and i'm full of great.. thank you Allah...Alhamdulillah...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Everybody... Please meet the new Izhar Hasnain @ Zaha

Hi and assalamualaikum all…

I’m please to announce the arrival of our son(me and solleh), Izhar Hasnain on 22nd of August, 3.58pm…

Stats as given, Weight:3.53kg, Length:54cm, Diameter:35cm.. tak tau nak kata besar or kecik but mostly people yang dtg tengok so far tak pernah dengar perkataan "keciknya dia"…hahaha, besarla jugak kot dia... Kaler:sekejap merah, sekejap biru, sekejap putih.. mcm sesumpah...

Well.. normal delivery with episiotomy plus 3rd near 4th degree of tear .. Sighhh… no wonder I stopped counting at my 30th stitches.. . Without any anesthetic at all.. Doctor’s reason: the area have been badly swollen, baby lekat 2 kali, kepala and then sangkut bahu for nearly 30 minutes…

Cuma bersyukur yang amat kerana proses kelahiran amatlah singkat dan mudah bagi anak pertama, Alhamdulillah.. Bayangkahlah, saya turun darah pada pukul 6 pagi sesudah bersahur, kemudian sakit mula dtg pada pukul 9 pagi dan pada pukul 12 tghr ke hospital… doctor cek jalan dah 5cm, terus kena tolak ke labour room…pukul 2 ptg air ketuban dipecahkan, hampir pukul 3 saya mula meneran dan kul 3.58 dah bersalin..

Yang SEKSA: proses menjahit berlarutan sehingga sejam lebih, keluar labour room family dah tunggu sambil kalut2 untuk berbuka puasa…satu je yang ralatnya, saya lapar sangat kerana tak sempat makan, hanya makan 2 kurma dan air zam zam sedikit.. masa tgh push ada la juga terlintas, mcm ni la mariam lahirkan isa gamaknya, lapar2 dan makan kurma shj…

tgh2 push pun, saya boleh bagitau doctor, “Dr, I don’t have the energy anymore” .. dalam kepala amboi sakit2 nih tercakap omputih plak… pastu mintak minum air sikit…

Yealah, ingatkan lambat lagi nak bersalin, sempat la bawak bekal 2 biji telur, nasi, biskut dan buahan dan jgn lupa buku panduan beranak pun ada untuk dibaca sebelum bersalin, kah kah, kelakar sungguh… tapi apa pun, dah nasib saya agaknya, rezeki masing2..

Dan sekarang zaha sudah berusia 33 hari dan walaupun jahitan masih saya belum sembuh saya sudah pun mengganas2 mcm org tak pantang, hehehe….